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MBA Management Middle Eastern Applicant

I was born in Jordan. Therefore, I tend to identify with that part of the Middle East that is referred to as the Developing World. I am deeply concerned with the misery resulting from poverty throughout the poorest sectors of Middle Eastern societies. I have dreamed about being able to help for a very long time, especially since I had the good fortune to have been raised in comparatively well-developed Kuwait and then immigrate to the USA at 11. This is why I majored in economics at XXXX State University and now wish to attain my professional degree in your highly regarded program at XXU.

 I am Chaldean and speak Aramaic as well as reading, writing, and fluently speaking Arabic. I think in these languages as well, about our people. Thus, I want the MBA to devote my professional life to the economic development of the Middle East.

 Most of today’s developing countries are unaware of the impact that education has on their economic development and some countries are lacking resources due to wars and tribal clashes.  Ever since I graduated with a degree in economics, I've been fascinated about the Third World and developing nations and their growth potential that they have through natural resources or industrializing.  To further pursue my career goal, I am interested in applying to XXU School of Management; where the evening MBA program would enable me to meet their high level educational program at the same time excel in my current career as a fixed income bond trader at XXXX Financial. 

 Being born and raised in the Middle East till the age of eleven, I have come to learn the languages and the culture of that region and now being a witness of the economic advancement for the countries along the Persian Gulf.  I am especially concerned with those areas of the Middle East that are experiencing the greatest challenges with respect to economic growth, particularly Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Palestine.  Through my education at XXU and my experience in finance along with a number of international agencies, we as educators need to educate the world’s kids for tomorrow, with peace and prosperity to that region. 

 Meanwhile, to make change locally, some college friends and I have set up a non-profit organization called Power of Change.  Our goal is create positive change in the lives of underprivileged children in any way possible.  We set up our foundation to function as a feeder organization, meaning we donate all the funds raised to other non-profit organization which are operating in underprivileged communities.  We have organized a number of events which has helped us raise over $10,000 which were later used to buy diapers and baby formula.  Our board members are dedicated young professionals that have a vision of a world without poverty. 

 My professional strength serve as the most importance to my career that I am a team player with honest, integrity, and a strong work ethic.  I hold the highest ethical and professional standards and put great emphasis to corporate challenges and exploration.  Once I attain my MBA from XXU I plan to join forces with the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, or the World Bank to fight with their challenges with developing nations.  With my language skills and cultural background, I plan work in that region and achieve prosperity for the next generations to come.  

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