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Global Executive MBA Degree Program

I am the child of civil servants who were based in Washington D.C. and, for this reason, became interested in politics from an early age. This led to my subject choices of Political Science and Economics for my Bachelor’s and Public Policy for my Master’s degree.

 My first job was on Capitol Hill, gaining an understanding of federal public policy and the legislative process. Subsequently I worked in all 50 states undertaking state regulatory and legislative lobbying, this involved the identification and tailoring of strategies taking account of different local cultures and outlooks. I then moved on to federal regulatory and policy representation.

 I travel extensively in my free time. I have visited 39 countries and have studied French and Russian. I am aware of the basic importance of taking cultural differences into full account when doing business internationally and would enjoy the chance to interact with, and learn from, professionals from other countries and cultures.

 My most formative professional experiences occurred when I joined Ketchum Global PR. During this time, I had the opportunity to work with of several of the largest US corporations and had the great good fortune to work directly with Fred Smith, founder and chairman of the Federal Express companies who was one of several inspirational leaders and innovators whose methods I have had the privilege of observing at close quarters. Fred Smith recognized at an early stage that very successful businesses which could would all operate globally. I worked closely with Fred on the possibility of moving the US Postal Service to a more privatized and efficient system. We worked together on policy-maker education, we developed a regulatory outline for the privatized parts of the service and created a positioning/marketing campaign to put into effect once the legislation was in place.  FEDEX ‘went global’ very early and did so very successfully and I learnt many useful lessons during this time relevant to the program.

 My next job was with Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. This period also provided me with valuable knowledge, however this time the lessons were in how not to try to enter the global economy.  I spent 9 years at BCBS.  I gratefully accepted a corporate buy-out and now want a change of direction and one that will equip me to help companies to recognize the opportunities and to overcome the complexities of ‘going global’.  I am very excited at the prospect of this change of direction and of working in a cohort of similarly enthused and experienced professionals and of sharing with them.

 The global economy is a reality and corporations can either ignore this reality and suffer for doing so or embrace it recognizing that dealing with this reality may not be without its problems but carries enormous potential rewards. Corporations are naturally fearful of the cultural, marketing and regulatory minefield when they glance over the domestic ‘fence’ and need knowledgeable guidance to negotiate it. I want to be one of those guides as I understand that, for many companies, it has to be done and I want to learn exactly how it should be done to best effect.

 It is clear that the pace at which companies recognize that they need to consider the potential to themselves of the global economy is increasing and will continue to do so. My areas of particular expertise are external affairs, branding and positioning, this skill set is highly relevant to globalization but is limited and I recognize a need to extend and broaden it if I am to realize my goal.

 I am aware that this prestigious program will attract many well qualified and experienced applicants however I believe that I can bring a unique and particularly useful mix of real world experiences of public policy and regulatory maneuvering and of ways of integrating public policy with business strategy and corporate development. I can also bring a ‘Washington insight’ on corporate communications, external affairs and public policy. I know that I can ‘add value’ to my cohort and the business academic community.

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